organization spans far beyond RAN

O-RAN Alliance is a standards body that is involved in creating specifications and doing other standards work while TIP doesn’t do standards and the scope

This is where TIP comes into play with their OpenRAN group trying to centralize and combine as much as possible of the baselining of product requirements that an Open RAN vendor needs to support. It also provides a way to do a baseline level of testing against those requirements. This helps operators save time, resources and costs as they do not need to do integration and system level testing. It also helps the vendors to evaluate what they need to prioritize their own roadmap and it eliminates a number of different SKUs (stock keeping units) and product variants for different operators.

This list of operator requirements are then sent to the Open RAN vendors asking them what features are supported today and what others would be supported in 6, 12 and/or 18 months. A response from the vendors helps build an industry roadmap.

More info: IT Support Levels Explained: L1, L2, L3